International inspection company "Baltic Control Kazakhstan" LLP, founded on August 24, 2007.
Membership in the International Association of Inspection Companies IFIA and Grain Traders Association GAFTA, as an inspection company and as an accredited laboratory.
Baltic Control Kazakhstan has implemented an Automated Business Management System, every client can become a member of the system.
The management system of the company is certified for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001 standard. Accreditation in the system
ST RK ISO 17025, ST RK ISO 17065
ISO 9001, KR ST ISO 17025, KR ST ISO 17065
Аккредитация инспекционного органа: зерновые, зернобобовые, масличные культуры и продукты их переработки.
Обширная сеть аккредитованных испытательных лабораторий на территории РК.
Идентификация, Обор проб, Взвешивание и Экспертиза, Контроль веса и/или количества при отгрузке товара.
Сертификация продукции и производства, экспертиза, выдача паспортов качества, инспекционный контроль, декларирование.
Работы по обработке зерна Фумигация, дезинфекция, обеззараживание от вредителей хлебных запасов, обработку транспортных средств.
Проведение обучения ваших специалистов и лаборантов, проведение испытаний, изучение проб, изготовление растворов.
The testing laboratory has highly qualified personnel competent in performing procedures that accompany the entire cycle of product quality expertise.
All testing is performed in BCK's own network of accredited testing laboratories. testing laboratories, without subcontracting
We accept and deliver samples for testing from all regions of the country
The results of our testing laboratories are recognized and accepted on the same level as the results of TLR and Eurofins laboratories in Europe.
We save your time and money. We guarantee delivery of results within the specified timeframe
The company is a member of the group of First Class Inspection Companies and performs quality and quantity control of cargoes exported and imported by the Republic of Kazakhstan for compliance with international standards and standards