Questionnaire of applicant satisfaction score

Dear applicant, for further prosperous cooperation with you and for work to improve the quality of the services we provide, we kindly ask you to answer a number of questions in the attached questionnaire and evaluate our work on five mark grading system (5-excellent, 4-very good, 3- good, 2- satisfactory, 1- bad).

Your opinion will give the opportunity to organize our work to the maximum satisfaction of your needs.

Note. Opposite the corresponding question, give a grade on five mark grading system

Assessment of the activities of “Baltic Control Kazakhstan” LLP


How do you assess the quality of services we provide?


How do you assess the reliability of our company as an executor of your orders?


Does our company comply with the terms of contractual obligations?


Have you received complete and reliable information about the services we provide?


Are you satisfied with the speed of response to your inquiries and expectations?

Assessment of staff activity


How do you assess the attitude of the staff towards you?


Are specialists polite, considerate and friendly in direct contact?


How do you assess the competence and professionalism of the staff?


Do you think that the staff is impartial in deciding and conducting the work at inspection?

Assessment of executed work (services)


Was the contract for the services provision issued in a timely manner?


Are you satisfied with the quality of the documents provided for filling out (application, contract and the rest of the package of shipping documents)?


Was the test report / certificate (or declaration) issued in a timely manner?


Are you satisfied with the quality of execution of test report / certificate (or declaration)?


Are you satisfied with the timing of the work?

How did you know about “Baltic Control Kazakhstan” LLP? put a tick in front of the source of information

from the Internet

from advertising folders

on the recommendation of other companies

from other sources

Your suggestions or comments regarding:

1. Company operation

2. Staff activity

3.Documents execution